Otherwise, you would respect their legal rights, and do not search them without a warrant. 否则,你们会尊重他们的合法权力,不会没有搜查证就搜查他们。
If a few coloured people were brave enough to search your home without a warrant, you would shoot them for sure. 如果有胆大妄为的有色人种,在没有搜查证的情况下去搜查你家,你肯定会向他们开枪。
Defense council: Absent exigency circumanstances, the police can not search without a warrant. 辩护律师:在没有紧急情况,警察无搜查令不得进行搜查。
Search can't be committed without search warrant unless in emergency. 搜查要持搜查证才能进行,除非在紧急情况下。
You can't search my house without a search warrant. 没有搜查令,你们无权搜查我的房子。
If an emergency occurs when an arrest or detention is being made, a search may be conducted without a search warrant. 在执行逮捕、拘留的时候,遇有紧急情况,不另用搜查证也可以进行搜查。